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Spice Classifieds Standard v1.5

Spice Classifieds Standard v1.5

Screenshots of Spice Classifieds Standard

Spice Classifieds Standard Publisher's Description

Our idea is to keep things as simple as is possible. You have a nice looking Classifieds and also this software is compatible with all browsers.

Spice Classifieds was designed in a professional way: to look simple but nice, to be easy to use separate or to easily integrate into your website. The only requirements are PHP and MySQL.

Spice Classifieds supports PayPal as a credit card online payment system.

For only 49$ you can build in minutes your own Classifieds Website, very easy to install and use it. We also can install it for you, for Free. This is your first big step in starting an online business.

Premium program is available for Spice Classifieds Premium buyers. What does this mean? It means we wil modify our product adding any option you need for a period of one month and also 6 months free technical support.

Spice Classifieds is a product of

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